nnfor 0.9.7
- Added warning when predict() is called for ELM and MLP.
nnfor 0.9.6 (2019-01-16)
nnfor 0.9.5
- Removed functions mseastest, cmav and lagmatrix from nnfor. These are now available in package tsutils.
- Updated license to GPL-3.
nnfor 0.9.4
- Fix for msts time series and allow.det.season argument.
nnfor 0.9.3
- Changes in how trigonometric seasonal dummies are handled.
nnfor 0.9.2 (2017-12-11)
- Added option to use previously specified mlp and elm (see arguments model and retrain).
nnfor 0.9.1
- Fix on univariate keep vector when no univariate lags are selected (lags=0).